Learner driver girl with intstructor taking lessons

Welcome to San Juan Driving School Corp


Where Our Top Priority


... Is You!

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best service

The quality of your education and experience is our top priority.

Best training

During your lesson, you have our undivided attention.

Teen and Adults Training

We take into account the age of individual moments.


Authentication of public documents for use in foreign countries.


Package 1


1 Driving Lesson

5 Hrs Class

Car For Road Test

Road Test Appointment



Package 2


3 Driving Lessons

5-Hrs Class

Car For Road Test

Road Test Appointment



Package 3


5 Driving Lessons

5-Hrs Class

Car For Road Test

Road Test Appointment



Package 4


10 Driving  Lessons

5-Hrs Class

Car For Road Test

Road Test Appointment



Package 5


15 Driving Lessons

5 Hrs Class

Car For Road Test

Road Test Appointment



Package 6


20 Driving Lessons

5-Hrs Class

Car For Road Test

Road Test Appointment





  1. Las lecciones de conducir deben de ser reprogramadas  con 24 horas de anticipación para evitar una penalidad de $ 45.00
  2. 5 Horas de clases (video zoom) luego de estar confirmada deberás de pagar $60 para ser reprogramada.
  3. Examen práctico luego de estar confirmado, deberás de pagar $45 para reprogramarlo.
  4. Todos los estudiantes deben traer su permiso de manejar con foto y lentes recetados.
  5. El estudiante debe traer permiso de aprendizaje y todos los requisitos que determinen que puede tomar sus lesiones de manejar, para evitar una penalidad en su LECCIÓN DE CONDUCIR O EXAMEN PRÁCTICO.
  6. Todas las cancelaciones o nuevas citas deben hacerse en horario de oficina, de Lunes a Jueves de 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Viernes 10:00 am – 5:00 pm  y Sábados de 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Si se programa una cita para un lunes, debe ser reprogramado El sábado anterior. No aceptamos correo de voz o mensajes de correo electrónico para cancelar. CANCELAR EL MISMO DÍA SE APLICA LA PENALIDAD DE $45 NO SHOW”.



  1. Driving classes must be rescheduled 24 hour in advance to avoid a $45.00 penalty.
  2. 5 Hours of classes (video by Zoom) after being confirmed you must pay $60 to reschedule it.
  3. Road test after being confirmed you must pay $45.00 to reschedule it.
  4. Student must bring learners permit  (PICTURE) and prescription glasses all the time, to avoid the NO SHOW on their DRIVING LESSON OR ROAD TEST.
  5. All cancellations must be made during regular business hours, Mondays thru Thursdays, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm – Fridays 10:00 am – 5:00 pm &  Saturdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.  If an appointment is scheduled for a Monday, it must be rescheduled the Saturday before. We don’t accept voicemail or emails to cancel. (NO VOICE MAIL OR EMAIL). CANCELLING THE SAME DAY IS CONSIDERED A NO SHOW AND PENALTY APPLIES.



    Our instructors are the best in the area with the best service to our students.


    We provide our a high quality video training experience.


    We focus on providing the best approach on safety to all our students.


Calm, Reliable and Experienced!!!

Raquel Mateo

Raquel Mateo

Owner / Founder
Raquel is the owner and founder of San Juan Driving School. She has to offer over 20 years experience. She strive to provide the best possible service, and take the responsibility of helping you become a good driver very seriously.
Raquel Mateo
  • 1000+

    Happy Customers

  • 40 +

    Years on the Market

  • 10,000 +

    Training Hours

  • 20+

    Combined Experience

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